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Dans sa peinture, Jane Courquin invite a une balade champetre, fleurie et tout en douceur et lumiere. Sa carte de visite artistique est bardee de diplomes et de ctitiques elogieuses outre-manche et en France. Courquin et son conjoint Nichollas Hamper, tout deux peintres professionnels britanniques, se sont installes a Verteuil-sur-Charente en 2005. Ils ont achete trois granges en ruine, au Coeur du village. Ils les ont patiemment transformees en une tres belle maison mais aussi en ateliers spacieux, ou ils vivent et travaillent.

Sunday 28 April 2013

nEw SpRiNg pAiNtInGs

>Paysage interieure/exterieure Charentaise< 2012/2013


Sketching last summer in the Charentaise landscape of fields of corn and sunflowers
rarely far from the river Charente and its tributaries , as well as sketching back in the studio, engendered a crossing of interior and exterior space that lent itself more towards an abstract expression that recently culminated in the above painting.

Jane Courquin < Le Potager du Chateau de  L'Abregement , Bioussac< 2012 oils, acrylics and gesso on board
The 2012 Abregement painting which now hangs on permanent exhibition in Chateau Lavaud , La Charente,  gave rise to further explorations into deconstruction of quotidian objects found around the house and my studios,
Sketching from my enamelware collection that had just burgeoned after a trip to a brocante on the Ile
de Ré provided the organic interplay of lines in to which I subsequently ran sparse washes .
.>Enamelware Deconstructed< watercolour and pencils on paper 2013
The circular le creuset frying pans and the round faces of the sunflowers that thrive in this
region of France become interchangeable forms on the painted surface of the canvas. If I push further forward with the idea the third canvas might contain the interplay of both.
>Les Tournesols < 2012/2013 oil on canvas

>Les Tournesols< detail

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