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Dans sa peinture, Jane Courquin invite a une balade champetre, fleurie et tout en douceur et lumiere. Sa carte de visite artistique est bardee de diplomes et de ctitiques elogieuses outre-manche et en France. Courquin et son conjoint Nichollas Hamper, tout deux peintres professionnels britanniques, se sont installes a Verteuil-sur-Charente en 2005. Ils ont achete trois granges en ruine, au Coeur du village. Ils les ont patiemment transformees en une tres belle maison mais aussi en ateliers spacieux, ou ils vivent et travaillent.

Sunday, 23 October 2016

Celebrating my 50th Birthday with Botticelli's Venus at the Uffizi in Florence 16 October 2016

Being driven to Florence from our studios in France through the rolling volcanic Route de Fromage of the Auvergne, spiralling skywards into the French  Apennines through driving rain and a foggy snow blizzard worthy of Turner's masterpiece on the subject and then carefully unwinding ourselves down through the foothills of the Apennines and so on to the bright Titian blue skies of Florence was just the perfect 50th Birthday present from one Artiste Peintre to another Artiste Peintre and a celebration of everything that makes our shared world pulsate.

We arrived in Florence late afternoon Saturday 15th October 2016 by car at the Horologie Hotel in commemoration of my maternal grandfather Lenard Bott who started out as a watchmaker and jeweller. I remember well his special tin of watch mechanisms and articulated silvery and golden watch bracelets.

We ran around the Duomo on the square and then suppered at La Menagere, a vaulted jazz cafĂ©- resto- winebar with a live music  jazz basement, upstairs  flower seller and Italian fine patisseries vendor and the seeming epicentre of Florentine 21st century bright young things. Recommended!

And so to bed ...good night ladies and gentlemen ...good night !

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